
TriComB2B Has a Great Tool to Help You With Planning The Six M Approach Watches

As Watches all marketing agencies realize, solid, in-depth planning is the foundation of everything they do, from hiring public relations professionals to working with graphic design experts, to the everyday challenges of business to business marketing. In fact, planning is such a key factor for a marketing firm that it can at times feel overwhelming. For example, a strategic plan must be extremely well-written, Ulysse Nardin Watches thoroughly researched Porsche Design Watches and include many salient details. Such plans often are numerous pages in length and have many appendices. It’s crucial that marketing agencies maintain clarity not only in the writing of all their plans, Chaumet Watches but also in the development stages as well. But how do you accomplish that? How can a marketing firm approach such an enormous task in a way that maximizes its focus on all the goals that need to be achieved? The B2B marketing firm, TriComB2B, has developed a simple, but highly effective approach to planning called the Six M Approach.What are the six Ms? They are:1.Market2.Motive3.Merchandise4.Message5.Media6.MeasurementLet’s take a look at each in turn.Market—You need to always focus on who your market is. Who is interested in purchasing your Cartier Watches products and services? Of course, you can research the demographics of your potential and current customers, but don’t rely only on those kinds of tools when planning your marketing strategy. Find out even more about your customers; get to know them.Motive—Consider why people want to buy your products or services. Focus on whether it’s because you offer quality, a good price, excellent service, etc. Merchandise—Take a hard look at what you are offering and bluntly appraise how it compares to your competition. What makes your product or services stand out? Message—This is the heart of the Six M Approach. Once you’ve answered the first three Ms for your marketing strategies, your message will jump out at you and practically write itself. If you have a clear idea of who your market is, your customers’ motives for considering you and the unique benefits your products and services offer compared to competitors, then you have the firmest foundation for planning. Media—Now that you have an excellent grasp on what your message is, think about all the ways available to you for getting the message out and develop your plan accordingly. Remember, if you truly know your customer, it will be easy to choose media likely to reach them.Measurement—If you aim at nothing, you are bound to hit it. Set goals as part of your planning process and then constantly evaluate whether you are attaining them. Double the media outlets that effectively deliver your message, and eliminate the ones that do not. Refine your message as necessary. Spend more time getting to know your customers, and sweeten their inducements to buy. The crucial, but sometimes overwhelming job of strategic planning will be greatly aided and made more effective if you keep the Six Ms always in mind.

